Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Traditional Dandy comic ditched.

From the BBC:

The world's longest running comic, The Dandy, has ceased to exist in its traditional format.
The weekly title has been changed to a fortnightly magazine called Dandy Xtreme.

'Too busy'

Dandy editor Craig Graham said: "Following extensive research, we discovered The Dandy readers were struggling to schedule a weekly comic into their hectic lives. They just didn't have enough time.
"They're too busy gaming, surfing the net or watching TV, movies and DVDs." Mr Graham added: "They still enjoyed The Dandy, but if they were going to buy it themselves they expected more than just 'a comic my dad used to read'.
"They required a guide, packed with the stuff kids need to know to stay in the loop - a lifestyle magazine attuned to their hectic lives, featuring all the latest trends, must-haves, must-sees and must-dos.

I’ve read some marketing bullshit in my time but ‘The Dandy readers were struggling to schedule a weekly comic into their hectic lives’ has to take the prize.
The readers they are talking about are mostly pre teenage boys; they do not need a ‘lifestyle magazine attuned to their hectic lives’
So please, as Bill Hicks used to say. ‘If you’re in marketing, kill yourself.’