Monday, September 26, 2011

Anyone that follows my blog will have noticed that there’s been a bit of a gap between postings.
Unfortunately at the beginning of 2010, my wife was taken suddenly and extremely ill, a condition from which she is making a slow recovery, so writing blogs has not been too high on my personal agenda.
Fortunately I now have more free time on my hands because a couple of months ago, my company made me redundant. My boss explained to me that in order to safeguard the future of the company. (A company which has a net income in the region of 1.5 billion dollars and has just increased the CEO’s, ‘compensation’ to almost 20 million dollars.)It was vital to move 6 jobs, including mine, from Germany to the Czech Republic.
Just to explain to those that might not have read my blog before, if I see an article in the popular press that I find interseting I comment on it and hopefully start a meaningful debate.

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