Friday, October 21, 2011

Gaddafi, what, no exit plan?

Now, I’m not a dictator, mad or otherwise but if I was running a country I’d make bloody sure that I had an exit plan in place for when the people turned on me.
You know what fickle ungrateful bastards the people can be, just ask that nice Mr Mubarak who was running Egypt for 30 years.
Hussein’s exit plan was to hide in a hole covered by a sheet of polystyrene; Gaddafi’s to hide in a drainage pipe and then hope that the person who finds you has a sense of humour. But these pale into insignificance when compared to Hitler’s exit plan. Which was to wait in a cellar in Berlin until the Russians surround it and then marry your long-standing significant other, poison the dog and then commit suicide. Me, I’d have a private jet fuelled up and ready to go at the slightest whiff of popular unrest, a villa in the Caymans and a Swiss bank account.

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